Find the most frequently asked questions below.

Yes. You can do it yourself without any special knowledge or multiple cleaning products. Using chimney
cleaning kit TORNADO, you can do the job quickly and efficiently. In the process you will also save money!

To avoid chimney fire, it is recommended to clean the chimney twice per annum: at the start and in the end of heating season. If solid fuel is the main heat source, it is necessary to clean the chimney every three months during the heating season.

Yes. Using rotary chimney cleaning kit TORNADO, you won't have to climb onto the roof! No need for a
ladder or hoist. A chimney pipe of any length can be easily cleaned from the bottom. Simply put the brush into the pipe through the opening in the stove or fireplace and push upwards.

Yes. Using rotary chimney cleaning kit TORNADO, you won't have to climb onto the roof! No need for a
ladder or hoist. A chimney pipe of any length can be easily cleaned from the bottom. Simply put the brush into the pipe through the opening in the stove or fireplace and push upwards.

Chimneys can be swept only when heating appliance has cooled. It is recommended to start chimney
cleaning operations at least 24 hours after last use of your heating appliance.

Universal brush can be used in any type and shape chimneys, ventilations, sewages, any other pipes. Brush with cable can be used in any type and shape chimneys, intended for heavier deposits and tars. Brush with chain can be used in masonry chimneys only, intended for heaver deposits and tars.
Pellet brush can be used in narrow chimneys, ventilations, pellet stoves. Brush is for Tornado set only. Ventilation brush can be used in ventilations. Brush is for Tornado PRO set only.

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